The Journal of Ethiopian Law (JEL/the Journal) has been in publication since 1964 by the School of Law at Addis Ababa University. The Journal publishes both solicited and unsolicited original scholarly submissions that make significant contribution to or bring new insight as regards the understanding, development and implementation of the law applicable in Ethiopia. The Journal accepts scholarly works of any genre: doctrinal, empirical, interdisciplinary, critical, socio-legal, feminist, historical, or comparative scholarships pertaining to the broad spectrum of legal, economic, political, social and technological issues arising in relation to Ethiopian law and related international law.
While the main focus of the Journal is addressing the dearth of literature on the Ethiopian law and jurisprudence, it also considers for publication manuscripts based on legal materials from foreign jurisdictions on a case-by-case basis, having regard to their potential contribution to the understanding of Ethiopian law and/or informing its development and application.
Over the years it has been in publication there were variations in the number of issues of the Journal per annum. As of 2023 it is a bi-annual publication, the two issues coming out in June and December.
Publication of articles or other forms of contributions in the Journal is free. The Journal does not charge authors manuscript submission, processing or publishing fee.